Welcome to the travel blog written weekly by our founder David Hardy.

Tomas Belan Tomas Belan

Greetings from Pantai Lembeng, Bali

This morning we took a trip to see the Bali Baby Home. It's our second visit.. last time was in February, 6 months ago. Actually I wanted to meet the founder of this amazing project. A guy called Burhan.

What I didn't appreciate on the first visit is that this is a relatively new venture.. only two and years old and in the last 6 months has done amazing things. What they do is create a safe space for young mothers who have been ostracized or run away from their families because of a pregnancy. Burhan told me that on average one baby is abandoned somewhere in Indonesia everyday. Left on the side of the road, in rubbish bin or sometimes left outside his home. Indonesian society especially in the rural areas and remote islands is so unaccepting of pregnancy out of wedlock, and abortions are illegal in Indonesia, so young girls often run away and sometimes to the comparatively liberal island of Bali.

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Tomas Belan Tomas Belan

It was 20 years ago today…

Last week I was telling you it was 20 years since I first met Chatterjee and came to Kolkata. Chatterjee is one of my oldest friends, and together we have made a lot of good business happen.

Before we left for Delhi we took Toni to see the children's home that AW supports in Chatterjee's home town. Now Mr Kundu has 28 children, twelve years ago when we started the youngest is now the oldest, many have been taught English and moved on to work and others have come and joined the home.

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Tomas Belan Tomas Belan

Enthusiastic Ideas

One morning before starting work in Serampore Mr Chatterjee suggested we take the local ferry across the Ganges and back just for the experience. Return ticket on a rickety ancient boat about 9p so it seemed like good value.

They actually do have health and safety in India and we were issued big yellow life jackets and crammed on board the ferry with lots of locals heading to school or work on the other-side. There is definitely something mystical and magical.. even majestic about the mother river. From a small boat early in the morning, it was serene, powerful and strangely spiritually moving experience.. plus we made lots of friends.

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Tomas Belan Tomas Belan

India and Freedom Project

Serampore is where all the jute and cotton bags and packaging products come from. Mr Chatterjee runs a factory with his longstanding and loyal team of workers, beavering away making products for AW and others.

It's one of the poorest places I visit, although little improvements are seen, better street lighting, an actual park, albeit very tiny and new high rise property development being built with apartments advertised from 7 lac - about £8,000. The people are lovely and despite the obvious poverty, there are no beggars and I understand crime is very rare.

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Tomas Belan Tomas Belan

Dreams Audit

Greetings from Surenpur on the banks of the Ganges. I'm in jute territory working with our main jute products supplier Mr Chatterjee. This is what I call real India, and probably one of the poorest area's we do business. It is a long way from the nearest five star hotel, so you don't get many NGO's here, or at least I have never seen any. But if ever a place needed help it's here.

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Tomas Belan Tomas Belan

Easter Message and Freedom Project

When he first took me to the childrens home, it was in a sorry state. But I was impressed by the couple who ran the place, they had been given the ramshackle house by a lake as a gift, on condition they look after the area's homeless children.

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